Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Peppa Pig three tier - September 2015

Fondant icing is the in thing today, but it wasn't when I first started baking cakes, if you wanted fondant, you made it yourself.

So this cake was a test for me, a learning curve of sorts. I'd only ever used home made royal icing way back when, which was easy, but this was a challenge to increase my experience 

As with most of my cakes, I used a standard, multiplied up, Victoria sponge mix. The fondant is shop purchased as this is far more cost-effective. Making your own is time consuming too

There are a few errors, specifically with the smoothing off. I'd never used fondant in this way before, so I had no idea what to do

But it was well received and had pride of place at the party

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Giant Cupcakes - May 2015

Here are two of my first cakes I made after a break of many years.

Rainbow topped giant Cupcake

Trying out the new giant Cupcake tin.

I used a standard Victoria sponge mix, multiplied up due to the size.

I also used standard butter cream / icing for the filling and covering.


Star topped giant Cupcake

With input from the recipients children, it worked out rather well

Friday, 1 May 2015

Baking as therapy

Cake making is very therapeutic for me. So, having rekindled my love for this craft, I've decided to share my cakes and experiences with you.

It's crazy but, I bake all these things full of yummyness but ... I can't eat them lol. I'm not exactly a cake fanatic when it comes to eating them. But they smell nice :-)

I hope you enjoy my posts.

You will notice that, in the beginning, it looked like I made loads of cakes in one month :-) these are catching up posts, then I will post as I'm going along.

May 2016 wasn't as busy as it looks
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