Monday, 20 June 2016

Cupcake Day - Post #2 - 16 June 2016

This was a day of fundraising with friends and neighbours. I was a little apprehensive because I'd be making loads of cupcakes for people to eat that had never tasted my cooking before

I made the fondant decorations by myself and left them to harden for a day or so
I made more than I needed, but this is good because you never know what might happen to them, they could break for instance. So always make more!

Of course, I made a giant Cupcake, weighing in at just over 2kg, including board and decorations. I also made a giant rose topper from fondant. Fondant is too soft for big work like this, but I found it hard to use sculpting icing. But it worked out great anyway.

The cutting of the cupcake

I had plans to make so many variations, lemon, chocolate orange, indulgently rich chocolate, but I stuck to the following to make it easier for me ...

Top left: Chocolate fudge
Top right: Turkish delight filled with milk chocolate chunks 
Bottom left: Mint chocolate chip, filled with dark chocolate chips
Bottom middle: The "classic" plain cupcake topped with plain icing
Bottom right: Red Velvet, topped with cheese icing

It was a quiet afair with just a few friends around. 
We all gave generously and everyone made me proud.

The day raised well over £100, including online JustGiving donations. 
Every penny counts.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Cupcake Day - Post #1

On the 16th June 2016, I'm holding a Cupcake Day for raise funds to the Alzheimer's Society. I hope to be trying out a variety of recipies for the day and will be posting them here.

It's open door between 11am and 8pm. Tea and coffee free, cupcakes and competitions are donations only

If you'd like to make a donation for my fundraiser, please click on my JustGiving page or donate in person on the day

As I have long hair, and I'm baking all the yummyness filled cupcakes myself, I thought "I need a chef's hat" and here it is. DIY of course!

Yes, I know it's not baked ... But it's homemade :-)
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