Sunday, 21 May 2017

Cupcake Day 2017 #1

With the end of May creeping up fast, and all my work done for this month, I'm starting my preparations for #CupcakeDay 2017 already.  

Thursday, 15th June 2017 is Cupcake Day!

If you're interested in attending, and you're on my personal Facebook page, please feel free to bring a friend along to. 

If you are unable to attend but would still like to make a donation to the Alzheimer's Society, please follow the JustGiving link below.

Don't forget to 
Making your donation go further

If you'd like to host your own event, why not find out more on the official Alzheimer's Society Cupcake Day page by clicking the image below.

All ingredients and time is freely donated, I do not take or make one penny from this charity event!
Which means, you cannot buy these cupcakes. 
You can, however, have cupcakes in exchange for a donation to the Alzheimer's Society


  1. To the anonymous lovely that made a donation on my JustGiving page, thank you so much!
    Your donation will go a long way to helping those affected by Alzheimer's

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