Thursday 21 June 2018

Apple Pie for a Birthday Cake

Nowhere does it say that you can't have an apple pie for your birthday cake!  I asked my daughter what cake she'd like for her birthday this year and the only reply I had was "Can I have an apple pie instead." 

Check out her last year's cake here

Now, this is why I stick to cake! As you can see, it doesn't look the best, a few dark bits here and there. However, I did make this after all, and I know for a fact it's going to taste delicious.  I have a number of toppings: custard, evaporated milk, fresh cream or clotted cream. So she has a choice.

Two generous sized Bramley Apples and, wait for it ... Frozen pastry! Yes, I know, I could have made my own, but why bother when you can buy frozen. It's quick, easy, less messy, sometimes it costs less and tastes just as good.

Peel, core and slice the apples and lay them around in the baking dish that you have already placed some pastry in, then sprinkle with some sugar or a sweetener of your choice. I don't trim the sides until I place the pastry topper on.  Before placing the pastry top on, brush the edges with water to seal the top to the bottom layer.

I can't decorate this so the 'Happy Birthday' letters were cut out from the spare pastry and a few stars with her name.

Brush the top with milk or egg and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at Gas #6 for 15 minutes then reduce the gas down to #4 for a further 30 to 45 minutes.

Allow to cool and serve. Serve with:
  • Fresh cream
  • Ice cream
  • Condensed milk
  • Custard
  • Clotted cream
Now, my daughter's birthday is not until tomorrow, so she can sit and stare at it for the rest of today.

All that's left for me to say is:
Happy Birthday Yve
Have an awesome birthday

1 comment:

  1. I'm so amazing at what I saw on your blog,was searching for a nice site where I can get Apple pie cake for my little nephew's. Your Apple pie cakes looks.
    attractive and adorable.
    I will like to you to bake a cake for my little nephew's birthday that is coming up on the next month.


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