Thursday, 6 September 2018

Unicorn Cake

This is my first ever try at a Unicorn cake. I'm happy with it but can see where I could improve.

It consists an 8" and topped with a 6" vanilla cake sandwiched together with vanilla buttercream and a covering to match.

In each layer is hidden a sprinkling of Dr Oetker Glamour and Sparkle Mix

The bottom layer was totally covered in Dr Ortker Unicorn Confetti

I had some left over which I will use to sprinkle over the top of the bottom layer and some around the sides of the top. But not before I get the top onto the bottom. Which I did struggle with because this is a fondant-free cake and the sides, no matter how much chilling or freezing you do, it will still be sticky. Doesn't help that I still have humidity issues here.

Here, in the UK, A/C is not standard, so I have the extractor fan on constant and dehumidifiers everywhere. But I did it, with a little help.

Not forgetting the bubble tea straws to hold up the top layer.

The horn and ears were made a few days before, I didn't manage to take pictures of this process, but I imagine there are plenty of YouTube videos out there on how to make them.  The best way to make the ears was with large and small heart-shaped cutters, they worked brilliantly

Once the ears and horn was in place, I used three different colours of buttercream to cover the top and sides, down to the base, leaving the front free for some closed eyes,

I hope the little six-year-old will be happy with it, I think she will be.

I know I haven't posted a blog for a while, I took the summer off to 'recover' after the wedding cake, the charity cupcake day and another cake. All these crammed in together, or so it felt. I'm also going to be taking it easy until Chrismas, but I shall still find things to bake and blog about I'm sure lol

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