Thursday, 4 August 2016

Patchwork Owl - August 2016

Well, I'm guessing if you've already made a cake for your niece, nephew and brother-in-law this year, then you'd best step up to the plate and make your sister one!

I'd had my own plans for my sister's cake but when your niece asks specifically for an owl for her mum, then an owl it will be.

I'd made a sort of 3-D own many years ago, which my sister had seen, so I wanted something so different, she wouldn't expect it. So, a patchwork quilted type cake it is!

Each cake I make is not without its, erm ... trials, and this one was no different. But this was my own fault. I have absolutely no idea where my head was when I was baking the sponge, but it wasn't on the task in hand lol.  It looked great coming out of the oven, then the inside just fell out! School-girl error! So I started  again.

I baked two 6" chocolate sponges, sliced them in half and sandwiched them back together with chocolate buttercream. Oh wow, the aroma was divine! I'm loving this cake already, but I can't have any.

Previous experiences have taught me not to put my faith in supermarket fondant for covering large areas, so cakey-bakey shop for supplies it was. I purchased the white fondant and food colour tube pastes as the colour fondant I wanted is not available. 

The base colour is pistachio green, mixed by me :-)
I also used a variety of cutters and shapes to make the pieces for create the patchwork owl. Each feather was individually cut and imprinted with a quilted pattern and various flowered patterns. I will post an image of all the shapes I used below.

The tummy of the owl originally had square quilted, individual pieces, but it didn't look good. So it was agreed that they would come off and be replaced by the individual imprinted circular pieces to resemble feathers.

After each feather was stuck on, because I didn't want to cover the green 14" board, I use a flower cutter to cut tiny shapes and stick them on the bottom to resemble a string a lace daisies. I stuck a single row where the cake meets the board and to outline the edge of the owl to define the whole shape on the edges. I think they worked out rather well.

A pic of the yummy chocolate sponge inside

I added a few flowers and leaves to the board so it didn't look so bare. 
As with all my cakes, I'm happy with the outcome. I just hope it tastes as good as it smells and looks.

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