Saturday 19 May 2018

Side Wedding Cakes

These three, six-inch cakes are also destined for the wedding cake table. The reason for their existence is so the bride and groom can cater for specific dietary requirements and have the more 'traditional' fruit wedding cake, which would not have been able to be stacked on top of the red velvet sponge of the main cake.

These cakes consist of:
The traditional, rich fruit cake.

This is the same recipe used for the Rich Fruit Celebration Cake, but smaller. The fruit cake was made well in advance to ensure that it was 'fed' the brandy to make it extra special. The fruit, instead of being soaked overnight in tea or orange juice, was also soaked in brandy.

The groom has also asked that marzipan is used under the top layer of fondant.

I understand that the bride and groom will be keeping this tier for themselves as a celebration cake at a later date.
The Fondant Free Cake:

This cake explains itself. The groom's brother and his best man, who flew home from the States with his wife, absolutely hates fondant. So this cake has been made for his dietary needs.

It is a red velvet sponge with a simple buttercream covering, made to compliment the main cake as far as possible. This cake was made fresh then frozen so it would be safer during the 235 - 250-mile journey from home to the wedding venue. But by using butter and not margarine, the cake should be quite robust.
The Gluten Free Cake

The recipient for this cake is fully aware that, whilst a 'deep clean' of my work area is carried out prior to creating this, 100% gluten-free cannot be guaranteed - the cake may contain a trace.

Having said that, this cake is also a red velvet sponge and decorated to compliment the same cake. The food colours and fondant etc are all certified gluten-free from the manufacturers


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