Friday, 3 March 2017

24 Carrot Gold Cake

The only trouble with this 24 carrot gold cake was, I couldn't fit 24 carrots into the recipe! So, what better way to do 24 carrots was, decorate the cake with the remaining number using handmade fondant carrots!

I used the my faithful carrot cake mix and baked it in a loaf tin.
  • 175g Caster Sugar
  • 175ml Vegetable Oil 
  • 3 large eggs
  • 140g Grated Carrots - which I used 6 small carrots
  • 175g Self Raising Flour
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
The instructions can be found here.

Once crumb coated and chilled, I used a thin layer of basic buttercream, I then covered it in gold tinted fondant and generously undercoated it with PME Gold Lustre spray (available at Amazon) then topped it off with a exceptionally generous coat of Cake Decor Gold Glitter Spray (I got mine from Wilko's but there are many similar products out there).

On the top, before I sprayed the cake, I pressed in the following "24 Carrot Gold", because there are 24 carrots and, well, it is gold 😁😀

I cut the letters from brown, chocolate Renshaw's fondant using my #4 set of cutters

The carrots were handmade:
  1. Roll a small sausage shape of orange fondant
  2. Shape the one end so it tapers to a point.
  3. Use a knife to gently score along the length of your carrot so it looks like the ridges of a carrot. There's nothing wrong with 'ugly veg' so it doesn't have to be perfect.
  4. Using a small daisy cutter, cut a green daisy and 'glue' to the top of your carrot so it looks like the leaves.
  5. I made an indent in the top of each of my carrots and filled it with an edible gold ball
Each carrot was 'painted' roughly with edible gold paint and then sprayed with a little glitter.

This cake if for my oldest son, he loves my carrot cake and, well, Mam didn't want to disappoint. 

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