Monday, 7 August 2017

Bread & Butter Pudding

Once upon another century or more, this was known as "Poor Man's Pudding" because it was inexpensive, easy to prepare and made use of left over or stale bread.  A traditional British classic served with either custard, cream or evaporated or condensed milk.

This is the first time ever that I have made this, I have it on good authority from the person I made it for that this is a 'proper job' and much better than shop bought stuff - a taste of home! 

You will need:

  • A good size baking dish
  • 100g sugar, I used granulated sugar
  • 1 T-sp cinnamon or
    • Vanilla extract or paste
    • Nutmeg
  • Butter (or margarine) for greasing the dish and buttering the bread
  • 3 good handfuls of sultanas or 
    • Dried cranberries or
    • Prunes or
    • Dried apricots 
  • 2 free range eggs

How to:

  1. Pre-heat your oven to Gas #3 / 190 C - See conversion chart here
  2. Lightly grease the baking dish
  3. Mix cinnamon and sugar together (if using wet ingredients for flavour, add them to the milk)
  4. Butter the bread, the choice of leaving the crust on or cutting them off is a personal preference
  5. Layer the bread into the dish adding the sultanas (fruit) plus the sugar to each slice as you go.
  6. Mix egg and milk together
  7. Pour over the bread and leave soak for about 10 minutes (see tip below)
  8. Bake for 35 - 45mins, check after 35, if the milk and egg mixture is set and the top is brown, then it;s done.
Tip: It might look, in the beginning, that you've added too much milk mixture, but it's ok, it'll all soak up in the oven.

Once cooled, top with custard, cream, evaporated or condensed milk OR just enjoy it as it is.

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