Sunday 23 July 2017

Choc-Chip Cupcakes

It seems everyone wants cupcakes these days! So, on a marathon baby-sitting expedition, the kids wanted to make these, for Mam and Dad.

My usual mix makes about 15, if you cut it by 25%, the mix will make a perfect 12, unless you add chocolate chips. To this mix I added cocoa powder, to make the sponges chocolatey. There's the recipe changes on the page.

Now, I never weigh the chocolate chips, but I poured into the mix about 50g or half of the bag I had.

The kids made these themselves, I weighed out the ingredients, supervised and coached as they mixed the batter. It was a joint effort.

I cooked them for about 20 minutes.

The buttercream (1.5 x the mix) was another story, I mean, I make a heck of a mess when I'm using icing sugar, so the help was with the scooping and sifting. I did the mixing, and still made a mess. My black work surfaces always turn a delicate shade of grey when I make this.

They turned out very well, I made 16 in total, four for the kids and adults in the house and the remaining dozen will be going home with the kids. I know Mam and Dad will like them, they smelled delicious, but again, none for me.

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